Kerala partnership is registered with the Charity Commission under a trust deed registration number 1088159. An annual visit is made by trustees to gain first hand experience of the work that is being carried out, verify the proper use of the funds and meet with partners to consider ideas for new projects or expansion of existing work. The charitable funds raised are modest, in the region of £10 – 12,000 per annum on average and to make the best use of this money KP usually only contributes part of the finance for a project, provides initial set up costs or supplements local fund raising.
Kerala Partnership is a direct action charity which forges links & partnerships with groups & individuals, in the state of Kerala, South India. Through those partnerships it seeks to lend a helping hand to people who are striving to make positive change for individuals, families & village communities.
The charity works on a relatively small scale both in its fundraising in the UK and in supporting projects in Kerala. The spirit of the work is based around personal contact, meeting and understanding the issues that are important to our friends in Kerala and explaining those needs to supporters in the UK.
Although small scale, the direct nature of the Partnership enables the funds to be directed in ways to make a real difference to people’s lives and by working with and through groups and individuals in Kerala valuable experiences and friendships are gained on both sides.
Chairman D.Clarke 36 Greenbush Drive, West Midlands,B 63 3TL Phone: (0044) (0) 7939 037339 Email :
Indian Co-ordinator D.A.RAJAN Mob:+91-94008 92266